
rhubarb every way

i spent the evening working my way through ten pounds of rhubarb.

i had put it out there that i was looking for some and was fortunate enough to find someone with an enormous plant and absolutely no fondness for rhubarb at all. i probably picked up 20 lbs of it. for free.

tonight i worked my way through savory picked rhubarb and carmelized rhubarb jam.

i also prepped four pounds to make a rhubarb jam recipe from the Blue Chair Jam Cookbook and started a jar of rhubarb infused vodka.

ten pounds to go. any suggestions? i was contemplating a fruit butter or perhaps some sweet-pickled rhubarb. or both. and then some. rhubarb jelly? rubeena? so many possibilities!

this week is for rhubarb alone (and then i'll do a batch of strawberry rhubarb undoubtedly.)
i'll play catch up soon and get some recipes posted. until then, this putterress is exhausted.

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