
a return from silence

the shed, fence and bunny hutch are all complete.
what a sigh of relief.

i am resisting the urge to take a day off and put things away in the shed.
i'll have friday afternoon for that.

outside i listen to the birds, new birdsongs arriving all the time. the grass is beginning to take on a green hue, reminding me that soon the backyard will not look like trash. the chickens continue to run rampant, but i think i've at least gotten them within the yard. soon, soon i will add chicken wire and clip some wings! i cannot wait to see the chicken attempt their flight.

my seedlings downstairs are doing meekly.
first too wet, then too dry. i'm not sure if they are warm enough.
maybe i need a combo heat light and light light.

so far i've started eggplant, celeriac, broccoli, cauliflower and cipolini onions.

this weekend i'll be attacking the project once more.

on the professional chicken front, i've been moving slowly. people are running out of the breeds i'm most interested in and its sapping away my motivation. i need to get on it soon or soon i will have zilch.

things don't feel quite as busy as last year and my productivity seems higher.
pictures to follow of my accomplishments soon!

1 comment:

  1. Which breeds are you hoping to come across? Did you hear about the chick auction coming up soon in Tri-Cities? That is where I got all of mine.


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