
project and resource management

i've realized that once the fence and shed are done, my major projects for the yard are behind me. which is, by the way, ridiculously soon. fence by this weekend, shed in the next couple weeks? damn gina!

sure...there will be one more rabbit hutch, properly lining the chicken coop and gardening. but that will be child's play compared to these insane project i've had before me. insane in their cost and in their required planning.

what it means is that any spare money or credit i have lying around can be thrown towards adding insulation to my attic, finishing the room downstairs and getting a new toilet. of course, some of those are more important than others (i.e. number one.)

i've decided the downstairs room that i could finish know would not benefit so much from egress windows given its locations so i might as well rip out the disgusting siding and trim that has resulted from the fact that i've housed chickens, rabbits and puppies in there. so i imagine some bored afternoon with cocktail in hand i'll begin disassembling it. i'd like to think that i could rip out the fireplace but its size suggests it supports something. oh well. eventually i can add a gas insert.

i recently learned that my toilet has mold growing behind the tank. i was placing some liter bottles of water inside to lower my water consumption when i noticed it. yeech. hopefully the installation of the exhaust fan will help but i can only imagine that a new toilet is in order. this one obviously has a condensation issue, not to mention a crack that i've noticed. i can get something new and conservative for around $125.

in the past couple years i'm amazed at how much more conservative i've become. with regards to the environment. its just that i'd prefer to buy cleaners with no phosphates, recycled toilet paper and avoid grocery bags. i'd prefer to use less water and less energy, and when i can...buy green energy.

its hard because its not as much as i wish i could.
but its amusing that its as much as it is.

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