
very excited for beans

this weekend was something of a quiet one but i got a few things out of the way.

saturday morning i made a plan to do my weekly grocery shopping at the farmer's market by bicycle. it was a great way to start off the day. then i hung laundry out to dry and drank french press coffee. magnifique!

had intended to work in the garden on saturday around the house but ended up at the farm, growing a sunburn and hauling scrap metal and creating burn piles in an effort to clean up the farm for the first CSA delivery (today!) it was exhausting but rewarding.

got to the garden on sunday—planted my bush beans with broccoli raab, cilantro and dill between the rows. threw some chamomile down as well in an attempt to choke out any bermuda grass. my grandparents came by and gave me some daisies and feather grass, so we planted those and i worked on cleaning up my backyard a little.

things are looking good.
and now it will be cold, windy and wet for the next several days, giving me ample reason to stay in.

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