
in the garden with the bottle opener

sunday i simmered peaches in moscato and rosemary, mixed up some tuna salad, sliced up a tomato and parked myself outside with a glass of pinot gris and my book. outdoor living at its best.

the weather was great—sunny, breezy, cool. the occasion was made all the better by the decision to play board games outdoors. i highly encourage anyone with a garden or a nearby park to set up a table and repeat the experience some sunny evening or perfect weekend day. full disclosure—clue isn't quite as amazing as i remember as a child, but i do think that it has the possibility to be made into a fantastic adult game, just haven't figured out how. i think next week i'll campaign for scrabble.

its interesting to see how my taste for outdoor living evolves—this summer has definitely been one of smaller, more intimate groups. and its predicted to be in the triple-digits thursday, so summer certainly isn't gone just yet.

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