
the canning continues

i am enjoying some seriously small batch canning endeavors.
four quarts of pickles, two and a half quarts plums in honey sauce, one pint rainer cherries in rose.

two years ago (three?) i went crazy for jam and my pantry has the signs to prove it. so this year i am a little over jam. but pickles have been straight forward and fruit in hot syrup is a different solution to using up summer fruits before they go bad.

the plums in a honey sauce is something i pulled from a new blog i have recently subscribed to, Food in Jars.
love the color!

the rainer cherries in rose came from a story in the Oregonian that i think i found via apartment therapy's kitchen blog.
here they are, next to my ha'ogen melon

1 comment:

  1. it is good story by www.printhaha.blogspot.com


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amusing and/or educational stories?