
leap of faith

despite the variable weather i decided to throw my hat in the tomato ring.

this saturday i needed a perk-me-up, so at the farmer's market i picked up tomatoes to replace the ones that failed. i ended up with: pink brandywine, green zebra, purple cherokee, zapotec, orange anada, violet jasper, orange woodle, principe borhgese and red fig. once i got over the disappointment of the ones i grew dying, i let myself get carried away with fun tomato varieties.

got them in the ground that afternoon and they are still kickin'—so i am feeling good.

the weather is perking up. i've been taking advantage of the warm days to harden off what i've grown and everything seems to be doing well. i am starting to make eyes at my cucumbers, peppers and beans—their time is close (today?! tomorrow?!)

spring is here! its amazing what a little sunshine can do.

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