
Dark Days #5: Blueberry bread

last night i whipped up some blueberry bread mini-loaves.

i used bob's red mill flour, homemade yogurt and butter, and blueberries that i picked this summer with friends. beyond the soda, salt and sugar, it was all local.

in these dreary winter months, a friend at work and i decided to swap lunch/breakfast duties. one of us makes up some lunch food and the other breakfast, enough for us to enjoy it a couple or three times that week. i am liking the idea so far.

this week tigress in a pickle mentioned dark days and how a lot of pantry eating comes of it. and that might just be one of the things i love about it, the reminder to eat all the delicious things i have been stockpiling like a little squirrel. you look the challenge in the eye and then your mind starts to poke around your shelves until you suddenly have something amazing to eat—that didn't require a trip to the store.

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