
damn tranny-chickens

i'm gearing up for a chicken coop bonanza.
followed by a garden wrap up and upcoming plans.

tselma appears to be either gender-confused or a late bloomer.
today tselma woke our household up at 5:30 with her obnoxious, growling crow. doesn't sound like a rooster, but it doesn't sound like a hen either. so, i will be needing to find tselma a new home. i'm sad, tselma was always her own chicken and in the past couple weeks she'd become especially fluffy and beautiful. and i liked her name. and the story behind it. i'm lucky my neighbors haven't called animal control on me.

in general the chickens are being little hellions.
they spend far too much time defecating on my patio and far too little time laying eggs. they also prefer to sleep on top of the coop rather than in it. the other day i actually picked up Io and shook her up and down and said "where's the eggs?!" but that is mostly just me being silly. i like to say things like "get off of the barbecue or you are going to be dinner!" it'd be better if people heard me say these things.

my new goal is to fence off the back third of the backyard with a low picket fence. the chickens can roam free within their enclosed yard. the compost can live there too. and it will give me another structure to garden against—i can grow honeysuckle, jasmine, lavender, and then tall beautiful flowers: delphiniums, cosmos, foxglove.

i might put a nice tall bird feeder back there.
and am considering bunnies. i've been told they keep chickens warm in the winter.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm...maybe I will take Tselma if she isn't too loud. Though I guess I should feel out the new neighbors that get to live by the chickies first.

    I really want a rabbit also...


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