
here comes the sun

this weekend was a good one.
planted strawberries, leeks, black raspberries, gooseberry, cranberry and broccoli plants. let the chickens and bunnies roam freely while i tended to the garden and sipped on glasses of wine. i am so glad that it is spring.

little darling, the smiles returning to the faces
little darling, it seems like years since it's been here
here comes the sun, here comes the sun
and i say it's all right

my goal this summer is to water all my perennial shrubs like crazy. i want things to grow, grow, grow!

my goal this week is to build a compost pile, clean out the chicken coop, organize the shed, plant potatoes, build a rain barrel, buy a clothesline and make an appointment for the bunnies to get neutered.

its nice to spend most of the weekend in my backyard.
i start the week with a clean slate and the motivation to keep trucking along.

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