
additional thoughts on varietals

black plum tomato still rocks my world, awesome for drying.
ace was red and available, but not much else.
mystery orange tomato was prolific and colorful, but watery and open inside.
juliette cherry tomato was nothing special, next year i'm returning to sungold.
black from tula, late and sparse ripener.
hillbilly potato leaf, beautiful and big. tasty. but sparse, and a favorite of the chickens.

(i will confess that eggplant has little flavor to me)
bride was beautiful and prolflic japanese eggplant
lista di guadia was beautiful and did well consider its late start
thai green had an unusual texture to the skin
globe eggplant were intense and reach impressive sizes.

maxibel and yellow wax were both delicious, will plant again
soliel was very sparse producer
green wax grew towards the center of the plant, were often overlooked and therefore tough.

bulgarian carrot were prolific, colorful and spicy
bell peppers were eaten by rabbits
serranos, spicy as expected
ancho/anaheims were incredibly prolific, i highly recommend
feher ozon, by far my favorite. beautiful color and tasty.

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